Can I make yogurt with leftover milk replacer?


7 Years
Sep 19, 2012
BC, Canada
I have a small amount of powdered calf milk replacer leftover, and our two steers have been put out on the field and are unlikely to come back in for it now. I've made yogurt in my crockpot before for the family and the chickens but it's a bit expensive. Would it work? Is there any reason I couldn't, or shouldn't do it? I figured since it is intended for a baby calf and is supposed to resemble cow's milk that it would be ok.

It's a pretty big bag for 75$, I'd have to see how many liters of milk it makes total but if it works and is financially feasible I might just go buy another bag of the stuff.
Hmmm I guess nobody has tried this?! Ok, I will see if it works and my chickens will be guinea pigs.

I have 3 liters of milk made from the milk replacer powder heating up right now in the crockpot. I'm only heating it to 110F since I don't need to pasteurize. I'll post back here if it works.

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