Can I move eggs from a broody to...


11 Years
Sep 9, 2008
Pilot Mountain, NC
a new location? Can I move the eggs into an incubator? We had a rouge hen who we thought had become a casualty but she actually laid 7 eggs in a nest and has been nesting. I would like to either move her and her eggs over here with the rest of my flock OR move her over here and put the eggs in an incubator. ( I'm not even sure if they are fertile eggs. )
Well, I guess you could as long as your incubator is running at a steady temp. I wouldtry moving her to a nice quiet spot or nesting box first. Just scoop her up first and maybe cage her so she remains as calm as possible. Quickly and CAREFULLY move her eggs. to your designated spot for her--make sure you have pine or some kind of bedding down for the eggs and her. Then quickly place her on the eggs and step back to let her get herself situated. I have moved my hens and their clutches to different boxes with no problems--I would try this first over the incubator. Keep me posted!
From experience IF you do move her--make sure there aren't any golfballs or fake eggs anywhere, as she might get frustrated with the new place and go find the fake eggs and think those are hers.
I have moved all my hens and nests, but they set in buckets, so just pick up and relocate. I would put her and eggs in a small area, so she has no choice but to set on those eggs.

As far as putting the eggs in the bator, that shouldn't be a problem either. I take my hens' eggs, after they leave the nest, and hatch whichever ones will hatch in the bator of those that are left.

But I would try moving the hen and eggs first. Mama hens are sooo much better at taking care of babies than we are!
She nested in the nesting box of our old coop across the street at my mothers house. I spoke to my husband and told him I just want to move the whole coop. So HOPEFULLY we will be able to do that this weekend. It shouldn't stress her out too much.
We've moved the hen house in with the rest of our chickens. But I see the broody momma out more than I would have expected from her. She does sit on them but just not as much as I thought she would. I'm really feeling like I should put them in the incubator. But I have no idea how far along they are. I don't know when to change the temps or humidity. Any suggestions?
The general consensus is that hens will leave the nest once a day. I have seen many of my hens off the nest twice if not three times, and still had successful hatches. I would check the eggs for movement before putting them in the bator. But it's up to you. You could put the eggs in the bator, and give hersome dummies, so she can have the chicks back when they hatch, and it wouldn't be a total shock.
Then maybe it isn't anything for me to worry about. She just is up and about more than once for twenty minutes. I want the eggs to hatch out (obviously) but would rather her finish what she started. I have no idea what stage they are in.
Well, you can always candle one or two, of course you would have to steal one from her at night, beings as it's so hard to see through them unless it is dark. If there is any movement, then you'll know!! Good luck!!

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