Can I put my chicks out during the day?

With those kind of temps, even at 3 to 5 weeks that's HEAVEN considering what we have in Colorado!!! My 3 weeks old chicks/ducklings were happy with day temps of 58, so like the previous responder said, you may have the opposite problem. Too hot!! Wouldn't worry!!
We've put our 7 weekers out tonight, on Vancouver Island, for their first night and like all worried parents keep going and checking on them. All is peaceful in the Hen House!
I live in central Utah and the temps in the spring are crazy. In one week its been 42 degrees to 65 during the day and 40 to 25 at night. I have a hen with two chicks that are 4 weeks old out side with my small flock. The hen has all but abandoned them during the night. They still try to get under her at night but she is a Bantam and they are a Bantam/LF mixed. Its 49 degrees right now and 1 is under the hen and the other is under the rooster (he is confused but understanding). I just picked up a Bantam hen tonight with 4 chicks that are only 4 days old and they are on their second night outside without a heat lamp. They are doing great! I have 2 pullets and 1 roo that was raised out side this winter by hens. At 4 weeks and mostly feathered in February (15-25 degrees) they did just fine as long as they had a place to run and hide from the wind and snow with a 125 degree heat lamp 12" inches above them. Do not think of your chickens as a furry little helpless mammal's, remember chickens are birds, and are not helpless. They just need some simple care and common sense (they like to be warm) and they will surprise you. Sorry I'm rambling but hope this helps to all the new chicken loves.
My chicks were 2 weeks old when I moved them into the coop, I do have a light in the coop for them, and they have loved every single minute of it! We took them out at least 1 h/day since day number one, the coop door has stayed open during the day into the run since they moved out there, and we have had night temps of 29 F a couple of nights, but with the heat lamp they were fine, and didn't even stay underneath the lamp, but roosted on their roost since night number one in the coop...
I started little transitions with mine. The little babies stay inside with a heat lamp for a couple weeks until they feather out (about 3 weeks). Then they are moved to the building in a big rubbermaid stock tank with a brinsea warmer (if needed at night). Once they get a little bigger, they get moved to a built in brooder in the building with no heat. The chicks that are in the built in get let out in the yard to mingle with the bigger guys during the day...then they go back to their brooder at night. This is how I transition them to the flock too. After awhile they will be moved in the coop with the rest and then I shuffle around again. For the chicks in the stock tank...I let them out if the weather is ok for a few hours in the afternoon/evening but keep them in an enclosed pen. I still think they are too small to let go in yard with the bigger chickens/ducks just yet.

The cutest thing is that in the evening when I go to lock everyone up. The "toddlers" come running to me to be put to bed. It's adorable.
Hi I'm new to BYC and I was wondering if it would be okay if I let my golden laced Wyandotte's and australiorps brooder went outside permanently. They are about two weeks old. It gets warmish in the night in Arizona.

Please help!!!!! I am so confused!!!!
I started little transitions with mine. The little babies stay inside with a heat lamp for a couple weeks until they feather out (about 3 weeks). Then they are moved to the building in a big rubbermaid stock tank with a brinsea warmer (if needed at night). Once they get a little bigger, they get moved to a built in brooder in the building with no heat. The chicks that are in the built in get let out in the yard to mingle with the bigger guys during the day...then they go back to their brooder at night. This is how I transition them to the flock too. After awhile they will be moved in the coop with the rest and then I shuffle around again. For the chicks in the stock tank...I let them out if the weather is ok for a few hours in the afternoon/evening but keep them in an enclosed pen. I still think they are too small to let go in yard with the bigger chickens/ducks just yet.

The cutest thing is that in the evening when I go to lock everyone up. The "toddlers" come running to me to be put to bed. It's adorable.

that's adorable... the "toddlers" -- love it! Getting my peeps today!
chickens should be outside as soon as possible. Last year mine were out of the brooder at 2 weeks, stayed inside the coop for a week, on grass, and then demanded to be let out side after 3 weeks. Listen to your chickens they will tell you what to do. Always keep a lamp going inside the coop so they can self regulate (warm up when necessary). After they have fully feathered you can take the lamp away.
chickens should be outside as soon as possible. Last year mine were out of the brooder at 2 weeks, stayed inside the coop for a week, on grass, and then demanded to be let out side after 3 weeks. Listen to your chickens they will tell you what to do. Always keep a lamp going inside the coop so they can self regulate (warm up when necessary). After they have fully feathered you can take the lamp away.

good to know... thanks Fentress

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