Can I reintroduce chicks back to the turkey hen? (update and pictures)

Crickett B

9 Years
Aug 26, 2010
Blue Ridge Mountains
Pearl hatched out a total of 5 surviving chicks, 1 is her own turkey chick, the other 4 are chickens. I took them all away from her last week, so that the remaining chicken eggs, which I wasn't sure when they hatch, had a chance at hatching. Today, it appears those eggs are hatching as well. So far 2 are out and dried off, 1 is peeping in the shell and there are 6 more to go.

I'd really like to take the 5 from last week and give them back to her. Can this be done the same as a chicken, waiting till dusk and sticking them back under her for the night?

Thank you for all your input.
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i doubt very serious she will take them back in alot of turkeys are dumb and have no memory...she might not remember them...
I am just hoping that she can't count

Now there are three eggs out there tapping in the shells, plus the two little EE's from earlier today. I am going to try and move her tomorrow, and stick the first 5 back tomorrow night. So if all goes well she will have 9 little chikens and 1 little turkey to raise
How did it go?? I'm thinking if Turks are allegedly as 'dumb' as people claim that the hen certainly CAN'T count lol
I think she'll accept them.
Well THAT did not go as planned at all! Pearl HATES her baby!

She had no problem when I added the chicken babies back. I did on at a time about an hour apart. Shoved them under her wings. But as soon as she saw the turkey baby (fondly now named Fugly) she went off the deep end. Pecking it and chasing it off. Poor thing just keep going back too. It was heart breaking to say the least.

So Fugly is now back inside, and I removed one of the chicks to live with it, till they are big enough to go out.


I've never seen a turkey chick with out it's little horn thing, but Fugly does not have one


Pearl with her day old "babies"( and behind the chicks at Pearl's feet, is another one hatching out.


The week old chicks I re introduced, minus one, which I kept with Fugly, so it'd have company.

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