Can I run a fan ?


Apr 27, 2020
I've got 3 week old chicks in my garage. I live in Northeast Tennessee and it's been in the low 90's to upper 80's lately during the day outside but My thermometer in there says between 80-90 degrees during the day and low 70's at night.
Should I run a fan in the distance on them? I've got the door open but still not enough air circulating.
Also, do I even need to keep the light on them at night anymore especially at night?
Thanks ☺️
At three weeks and if they are mostly feathered (at least with back feathers) I wouldn't use the lamp at night if it's above 70 degrees. And the fan is probably a good idea, circulation of the air is important. I use one for mine whenever it goes above 80 degrees. :woot
At three weeks and if they are mostly feathered (at least with back feathers) I wouldn't use the lamp at night if it's above 70 degrees. And the fan is probably a good idea, circulation of the air is important. I use one for mine whenever it goes above 80 degrees. :woot

Thank you 😊
They do have a lot of the back feathers growing out. So it's ok for them to not have a light in general at night I'm assuming. Get used to roosting?
They should be fine :thumbsup I find it helps them integrate to the outside better too, less shocking when they are outside at night by themselves at first. They may peep for a little bit at first but shouldn't take long to settle.
They should be fine :thumbsup I find it helps them integrate to the outside better too, less shocking when they are outside at night by themselves at first. They may peep for a little bit at first but shouldn't take long to settle.

Great ☺️
Thank you I feel better now.

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