Can I see a picture of your waterer?


8 Years
Aug 26, 2011
SW Missouri
That's it.

I'm just trying to get a better idea than what I have which is a 5 gallon bucket with two small holes drilled near the top edge, turned over with the lid on, inside an automotive oil drip pan (a new one, silly!) so that we only need to water every few days (ever two when the weather's been 100+ degrees). Thanks in advance!
I have made the 5 gallon bucket feeders, but not the waterers. All my waterers are store-bought cannister style. You really have to have a good seal for the waterers to work. How are you liking yours?
I hear that chicken nipples work best in the 5 gallon buckets, the feedstore guy didn't have any when I asked. but for me that would be best (no lifting, turning over and slopping it everywhere) hydrolic fluid buckets have a great pour spout in the top, easy refill
We just made this yesterday. It as a gravity feed system and has a nipple dropped into each cage.

We got the nipples on Amazon and they fit nicely into a hole drilled into the pvc cap.

Little shout out to TSC!

The quail find the water very easily.
This one's good for a week or three for a dozen chickens. You want to keep it as high off the ground as you can since they tend to kick up a lot of dirt when they're scratching.

If you need dimensions of cuts, let me know and I'll post some more pictures.


I think the previous posters hit upon the cons of the way I have it. For one it is a pain to have to pull everything apart, turn it around when it's full, etc etc. Secondly it gets dirt into it really easily and you can't hang it, of course, so you'd have to get it off the ground yet have a tray that is deep enough to hold water for them.

I've never seen the nipples before and I may just go with the setup with the pvc piping.

Palmetto, if you are following this thread, what would I look under on Amazon? I'm kind of afraid to do a search for "chicken nipples".
I think the previous posters hit upon the cons of the way I have it. For one it is a pain to have to pull everything apart, turn it around when it's full, etc etc. Secondly it gets dirt into it really easily and you can't hang it, of course, so you'd have to get it off the ground yet have a tray that is deep enough to hold water for them.

I've never seen the nipples before and I may just go with the setup with the pvc piping.

Palmetto, if you are following this thread, what would I look under on Amazon? I'm kind of afraid to do a search for "chicken nipples".

Hehe... Believe it or not, it is a chicken nipple. But you can search for item B004NEIS1M and it should pop right up! They are very simple to install. You can also install them into the bottom of a bucket and hang the bucket. They need point down and not straight ahead. Go figure....

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