Can I split up the processing?


9 Years
Jul 11, 2010
North Carolina
Can I kill, drain, scald, pluck, eviscerate one day, refrigerate the birds for a few days and then do the neck, prepare the organs and feet another day? It would help if I could rent the scalder and plucker to use all in one day and do some of the other jobs on another day.

I'm just trying to figure out how my family can raise our own meat with very limited time. I'm a stay at home mom, but my kids are young and needy, so I'm just trying to have a game plan before I dive in. I still may use a slaughter house, but it would be a heck of a lot cheaper if I can do this myself.
IMO it is not advisable to remove the innards on any other day than the processing day for health reasons. You may however do the major processing then on another day cut up and package the carcasses as long as they are kept refridgerated. Another way may be to process some birds at 1 week intervals, you can manage the weights better and have fewer birds to do at any one time.

I like to process some birds at 3-4 weeks old as cornish game hen's, then some lighter hen's at 7 weeks to use as fryers and what not. then process some of the bigger roosters at 10 weeks old for roasters and broilers.
I would eviscerate the first day. I'm talking about taking off the neck, peeling the feet, that stuff, prepping the organs... couldn't I put all the organs into a ziplock, stick it into the fridge and prep them another day?

I'm just trying to figure out how to get my processing down to one day with renting equipment.
How many are you processing? If you are renting equipment it may be worth taking them somewhere for $3 each
I think the OP is talking about waiting for another day to do some of the more detailed work like peeling the feet and cutting open the gizzards, am I right? You mentioned eviserating on the first day before refrigerating. I *think* that would be all right if you did it that way. I also think there's a USDA site with info about butchering, maybe they would have the answer to that. Or just ask our pal Frugal.

Otherwise, just do a few each week all the way to the finish. I wish you success! You can at least count on each session getting easier & faster with experience.
Amyh, you posted again while I was writing.

You may also be able to cut your costs by scalding in your own pots or buckets with water you heat on your stove, with propane, or over a fire. And hand-plucking isn't such a bad chore, I can do it in around 5 minutes per bird. If you aren't doing dozens & dozens of birds at once you may not even need the rented plucker. Or easily make one of your own with a PVC fitting for an electric drill.
I agree, I'd skip renting a plucker, save the money but more importantly, process at your own rate. Plucking doesn't take long at all. If you really want one, I also agree, make one out of a $20 plug in electric drill and a few black rubber bungee cords.
Thanks everyone. I am still so undecided about what I'm capable of with the kids. I can see my 11 month old screaming for me to hold him while I am slitting chicken throats....

Maybe I'll just send the birds to the butcher the first go around... lol

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