Can I spread a respitory infection to my flock?


Apr 5, 2021
Descanso, CA
I'm concerned I might make my girls ill. I handled a chicken today that had some sort or respiratory issue. I couldn't see any visible signs of anything but the rasping that I heard from the hen has me very nervous. Also help a roo that has mites. I did not know this when I picked him up or I would not have handled him at all. I came home and jumped in the shower and put my clothes in the washing machine. I haven't seen my flock yet. I wanted to make sure I was safe first. I'm already dealing with an issue in my flock and I've had mites before. Don't want then again. No thanks! Am I being overly cautious or paranoid or is there a legitimate chance of me spreading something to them?
I'm concerned I might make my girls ill. I handled a chicken today that had some sort or respiratory issue. I couldn't see any visible signs of anything but the rasping that I heard from the hen has me very nervous. Also help a roo that has mites. I did not know this when I picked him up or I would not have handled him at all. I came home and jumped in the shower and put my clothes in the washing machine. I haven't seen my flock yet. I wanted to make sure I was safe first. I'm already dealing with an issue in my flock and I've had mites before. Don't want then again. No thanks! Am I being overly cautious or paranoid or is there a legitimate chance of me spreading something to them?
Cross contamination is an incredibly great way to spread that stuff. I think you made the right call showering and washing your clothes first.
Sanitize your shoes too. You have taken all the steps I think you will be fine.
Thank you, I was kinda freaking out. Yes, I threw them into the washing machine as well as my arm brace and hair tie. I'm not sure what to do about my car though. Will lysol work for mites? Respiratory disease?
I have a pair of coop shoes too. They only get worn in my coop. Nowhere else.
Thank you, I was kinda freaking out. Yes, I threw them into the washing machine as well as my arm brace and hair tie. I'm not sure what to do about my car though. Will lysol work for mites? Respiratory disease?
I have a pair of coop shoes too. They only get worn in my coop. Nowhere else.
Not sure about lice, but q good disinfecting should be find to kill those germs in a car.
You could use steam or spray it with permithian I think should work fine. I think I have scaly mites coming on. You never have a dull weekend with chickens
You could use steam or spray it with permithian I think should work fine. I think I have scaly mites coming on. You never have a dull weekend with chickens
Don't I know it! It's no surprise why the other things in my life are the way they are. I had a good 2.5 years with an occasional issue with one bird. This past year we've been hit hard. I can't wait for it to be over. Good luck with the scaly mites. I'm going to have my husband steam the car. Punishment for rolling his eyes at my panic. 😁
Don't I know it! It's no surprise why the other things in my life are the way they are. I had a good 2.5 years with an occasional issue with one bird. This past year we've been hit hard. I can't wait for it to be over. Good luck with the scaly mites. I'm going to have my husband steam the car. Punishment for rolling his eyes at my panic. 😁
This year sure has been a tough one for our birds to.

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