Can I use a flight cage to keep my Button (chinese) quail in?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 6, 2014
Hello everyone thanks for all you info on my past questions and yes, I have another one

I wanted to know if I could use a flight cage to keep my Button quail in heres a pic...

Thanks again for all the info
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We've been getting a lot of posts lately about button quail. I'm not familiar with them but, if you put that name in the search box, it should pop out some good leads.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Yes, you can use this cage. As long as the bar spacing is no more than 3/8ths of an inch and you are only keeping 1 pair in this cage, it will be just fine. :)

Good luck with your Buttons and welcome to our flock!

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