Can I Use Chicken Coop Hay/Poop in my Garden?


Jun 4, 2015
Northern Michigan
So last winter for heating the chicken coop I did the Deep Layer whatever it's called using pile layered on pile layered on pile of hay/straw. It is my first time doing this and it worked great, no odor, dry inside the coop, etc.

Anyhow, Spring is coming, slowly coming,, how can I use this hay/straw/chicken poop in my garden or how do I make black gold dirt with it?
Personally, I dont use hay or straw. I save dry grass clipping and use that for deep bedding. The chicken have their own personal lawn all winter. Then in the Spring I throw it in the run. The run is my compost bin. The hens work it all summer. Then I put it in the garden, turn it, and top it with a good layer of leaves. Late winter the hens start working the garden until planting. They eat all the left over seeds, grubs, etc. I dont even turn my garden in the Spring. Then hens have it ready. Works perfectly for me.
One of the best things you can do is compost it, since the manure and straw mix saw little green products and moisture it most likely didn't compost much.
If you do a hot compost mixing in green products, keep it moist and turn it often you should have a good compost for use in your garden in the spring.
One of the best things you can do is compost it, since the manure and straw mix saw little green products and moisture it most likely didn't compost much.
If you do a hot compost mixing in green products, keep it moist and turn it often you should have a good compost for use in your garden in the spring.
Thank you, will do :)

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