Can I use Ivermectin pour on and do a Permethrin dip?


Mar 22, 2016
I thought I might have a mite problem with my girls-saw some tiny bugs in the coop and noticed some vent feathers missing and them pecking stuff off each other. So I sprayed the coop and run and used the Ivermectin pour on because that's what I had on hand. However I haven't seen anything actually on them and the bugs I saw I couldn't confirm what they were so could have been some of the clover mites we have around or any of the other teeny little bugs I find. So I was thinking that they maybe also could have the beginnings of lice-which I think the Ivermectin won't treat becasue they don't suck blood. So anyone know if I can give them a dip? Or would that be overload on their little systems. Maybe a few day's after the pour on? Or instead of repeating the Ivermectin?
You probably got everything with the Ivermectin.
You'll need to retreat in 7 to 10 days for the parasite eggs that hatch that are there now.

I wouldn't treat with Ivermectin and then do a Permethrin dip as you need to rotate your meds to avoid building resistance up in everything you have on hand. Use a full series of one med this time, then rotate out and use a different one, full series, next time. That way you slow the resistance build up in the parasites.

You've started with the Ivermectin. Finish with that. And yes, it isn't FDA approved for laying hens, so an egg pull time for all residue is in order.


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