can i use untreated dry soft wood chips?


Jul 15, 2016
As the title says really.
I have a pair of magpie call ducks, they have a large duck house with straw and just normal shavings in for bedding. Then attached to it is a large outdoor run and I was hoping to put these soft wood chips in there.
However somebody told me that wood chips cause blisters on ducks feet.
So just wondering if any of you keep your ducks on wood chip or if there's anything else I could use instead?
Thanks in advance.

can you be sure of the type of wood in the chips? some wood can have toxins in it
straw can mold quickly, especially with the amount of water that ducks throw about, can you get plain pine shavings?
Yes that's what I've used in the bed a thin layer of pine shavings with lots of straw on top.
Do you suggest I use just shavings in the run then? My worry with this is that at the end of the run there's a large water tub for them to get in, if they get shavings in the water and they float around they won't try and eat them will they?
Sorry if I sound stupid it's just I've never had ducks before and just want to make sure I'm not going to harm them accidentally.
if you can be sure of the type of wood you are using (NOT CEDAR, or many other types) i wouldnt hesitate to use woodchips outside of the coop, and shavings inside

it is NEVER stupid to ask questions
around the tub i might put some pea-stone to help with drainage
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