can mareks vaccinated chicks be kept with unvaccinated, or will they give the unvaxxed chickens mareks?

The vaxxed birds do not get Marek’s from the vaccine. If they come in contact with the virus in the environment or from other birds, they (usually) won’t die from it, but become carriers for life, just as any bird that catches it and survives. So if your vaxxed birds have Marek’s then your unvaxed were probably exposed too, the difference being the vaxxed will likely survive, while the unvaxed will likely die.

I’ve got a mixed vaxxed and unvaxed flock. No one has gotten Marek’s symptoms, which suggests I don’t have Marek’s in my area 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
This is false info. Birds vaccinated against Mareks do not shed Mareks to other birds. The vaccine is designed to stop the debilitating cancerous tumors from forming which is what makes Mareks so deadly. The misinformation on the internet about this is real and unfortunately I succumbed to it thinking it was better to not vaccinate my birds. You should vaccinate all of your birds against this horrible disease as it is so prevalent in nature.

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