Can multiple roosters live together?

if it makes you feel any better I payed $60 for a dozen lavender orpington eggs on e-bay, 9 hatched, 1 died and out of the remaining 8, 6 were roosters, of the 2 hens one got bumblefoot so bad I had to put her down after trying everything. so I figure I have well over $100 in that one hen, but she is a sweetheart!
It's not easy raising chickens I'm learning - I lost one to Bumblefoot also. But I love them so much I'll keep doing it.
A rooster can handle 10 hens, less than that and they can be overbred & physically damaged. If you have no intention of needing fertile eggs, you can do without any rooster period.

The hens will be happier without one harassing them and will lay just as many eggs albeit non fertile ones.

Some roosters can be great for a flock, breaking up fights among the ladies sounding alerts of predator sightings, etc. But they can't fight off predators.
They may die trying but, the hens will still be in danger.

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