Can my chickens co-exist with rose bushes safely?

I’m thinking on growing a paradise rose bush in my backyard, but I’m unsure if it would be safe with my chickens, and the other way around. None of them are plant-eaters aside from eating grass and weeds in the yard, and they won’t go out of their way to try to get into the vegetable garden. I’m just worried if they do decide to have a little nibble, and ingest their bodies can’t handle. I know that people can eat roses just fine, and they make sweet additions to lots of dishes, I just don’t know if that’s the same for chickens.
I’m also concerned if the thorns could hurt them somehow. What if a thorn takes out an eye? Or those thorns cause nasty cuts and infections? We recently lost a few bushes and plants that originally were great places for them to duck under in the case of a hawk or other predator lurks nearby. I’m sure any predator would think twice about their decisions after getting a face full of thorns.
I have one silkie hen, one barred rock hen, a blue rock hen, and a silkie-blue rock hen. They are all adults, and to my knowledge are very healthy with a wide variety of foods in their diet... including the occasional lizard that they catch :/
I really want to try my hand at growing flowers, but my birds’ safety comes first, periodt.
Oh my chickens destroyed my rose bushes and they are still alive. Don't worry but you may not have a rose bush soon
I used to have a rose bush not to far from my chicken coop. The chickens would eat the bugs and fertilize it for me. Never had an aphid. The bush was big and beautiful. I bought a second one that was short. That was when I had a chicken get hurt. Only because a older chicken goosed her and she hit the rose bush. Took part of her comb off. Otherwise they all gave it the respect it deserved. Finally lost both bushes to a gopher. But I had the big one for years not a single problem. Now my garden that’s a different story.

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