Can my Pullets and Hens eat the same feed?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 9, 2013
Hi guys! I'm having an issue between my fully mature hens and 14 week old pullets. I have my hens eating the DUMOR Poultry Layer and the pullets are still on the DUMOR Grower/Finisher. I've been having a pretty tough time making sure they don't eat each other's feeds since they live in the same coop and run as each other. Every so often they get at each other's feed and I either take it away or chase them off from the feed they're not supposed to eat. What I really want to know is if they can eat the same food and not really be affected by it. Would it be totally bad if the pullets ate the Layer, or if the hens ate the Grower/Finisher? I'm worried that there are different chemicals or something in the feed meant for birds of specific age, and if one eats the other's food, they'll get sick? Getting a separate coop for one of the age groups is definitely out of the question, since they're so expensive and I don't have building experience.
The 14 week olds are ld enough to eat the layer now, or will be at 16 weeks. But there is a simple way to deal with this. Just feed the whole flock most anything but layer feed. Layers can eat chick starter or grower just fine. Put out a dish fo oyster shell for any hen who feels the need for some extra calcium. The chicks will pay little or no attention to it. Some people feed flock raiser to their whole flock all the time -- chicks, mature hens, everone.
x2 agree with Judy. If you can afford it just feed the whole flock the pullet grower and put out a bowl with crushed egg shells/ oyster shells or any other edible calcium supplement for the older hens to eat so they can lay.

I didn't check Judy's link but if you feed to much calcium to chickens under 18 weeks they can acquire quite a few problems from digestion problems to being unable to walk as a result to a build up calcium in legs.

Plus if you feed your whole flock the pullet grower or chick feed they will all be getting more protein which is great for any aged chicken.
I completely agree a grower or all flock/flock raiser is the easiest way to handle this, i have many ages, differing sexes and if they can access each others feeds, that is the most simplest and offer the oyster shell on the side.

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