Can Newborn Baby Rabbits Eat Too Much?


Aug 1, 2020
Washington, USA
So I have a runt in my litter of 7 Mini Lops. I helped it nurse on mama and it was WELL fed. The problem is, was it too well fed? It’s stomach was bulging and it was big and red. Is that a problem? I just hope it doesn’t cause it to “blow up” or die or something. Should I be worried of how big a belly it has?
Can you get a picture?
I’m not able to get a picture right now since it’s dark outside but I’ll send a picture that I found on the Internet that looks similar to it.
looks normal to me too.

I have 2 females with 17 babies. 1 is a runt. I do not interefere, it eats when it wants. they are about 3 wo. it will probably catch it up later. all of them started to eat whatever I feed the females. even the runt.

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