Can someone assist me with these EE chicks?


8 Years
Apr 6, 2011
Fairhope, AL
Hello, I would like some assistance in determining the genders of the following EE's if possible. They are 9 weeks old in these photos.
(Parents:) (The male is a Wheaton Amerucana and the females are basic EE's. One white/black, one yellow/black, and the other one, partridge feathering.) Thanks.

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All boys, sorry

All boys, sorry
Well, DH wants 1 more roo. I'm leaning to the gold with grey beard...but I love that black cape on the orange black roos. Only thing is our AM Roo is black chested, where I suspect alot of these black markings are coming from the roo.

Note: box is not broken, picture taken at an angle...heeehee

So to choose another roo, I leaning towarrds the yellow gold with black/grey beard. What What roo would you recommend.?

Our other roo is Gold sex link/barred rock/EE mix.
YOur chickens are soooo pretty. I like the first roo
, he is gorgeous. And I would pick the cockeral in the first picture, which I think you said ios the one you were leaning towards. Mostly because It seems like a more unusal color and haven't ever seen that color before.And with the EE roo you7 already have you should get a nice variation of color when you hatch out chicks (hopefully, it dosent always work out that way. O and if you are worried about the blue egg gene it looks like all of the cockerals you posted have it. (and if you wondering how came up with that is because I was told that if they have a good pea comb, that they will carry the gene).By the way, I love your other roos comb and in his tail feathers, I can see a few feathers with barring throughout his tail.A very pretty mix, I reallly never would of thought of crossing the 3.

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