can someone be a friend with me on backyard chickens?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 8, 2012
hey i am a new member and so i don't have that many friends on here. so could some people be my friends on here?

I don't know that we have an official friend button or function, but I'll be your friend!

I do have a suggestion for you too. Go to the Where Am I, Where Are You? section and find the thread for your state. Their are always plenty of nice local people on there that are more than happy to talk to you. You may even find a real life neighbor or two: I have!

I usually hang out in the Ducks, Geese, Louisiana La-yer Peeps, and Turkey threads.

Anyway, welcome to the board and hope you make some great new friends!
Welcome! If you join in a few conversations in the more social parts of the forum, I'm sure you'll have friends in no time. :)
Consider me your new cyber friend! I just moved to a small town and am having problems making new friends myself. I love having any type of friends!
Peck me! Peck me! Peck me! I'll be your cotton-pluckin' friend! I'm a new egg too and live in Arizona--right now my chickens are laying hard-boiled eggs it's so durned hot out here! Where are you and what kind of chickens/chicks do you have? I have a leghorn (just started laying) a Dominique, Bard Rock, 2 EE's, and a Buff Orphington. None of the last 5 are laying yet.
Gimme a squawk!

Welcome to BYC! It's a great site for information and to share your experiences and insights too!
Terri from Tucson
Turkin lover, I'd like to be your friend too! I'm pretty new to chickens, don't even have an 'official' coop yet but have a converted ~12 x 16' dog pen and a temporary summer 'straw house' for my hens! LOL, hopefully the big bad wolf doesn't come a huffin and puffin around!
I'm in Tucson, AZ where are you?

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