can someone list the symptoms of Coccidiosis?

signs are, 5 -7 days upon contracting occidiosiss, bird will not moving around much and slowly, not interested in normal pecking order of others, day 6 or 7 not eating nor drinking, going to roost early, towards very end ,day 7 not getting out of bed followed by possible blindness and passing into and out of consciousness just hrs before death , 5-7 days. I just lost my 2yr old hen, all my birds are infected determined by stool sample taken to the vet, i have 3 2yr old hens and a 6yr male again , all infected and being treated now with amprolium, hopefully Im not too late?
We have been treating ours for coccidia now or a week with .5ml of medicine twice a day. One of them is still showing signs though, I call it, "falling into a zombie like state" when they kinda bunker down and close their eyes all of a sudden. And they do it right in the middle of a feeding session. We have a follow-up vet appointment today so they might do another fecal sample test.
Yes mine did the as you call it: "Zombie State" approximately 4 hrs before she died. At first glance of fecal upon onset, it looked normal, by the time watery diarrhea hits its iffy right now with another bird badly infected but drinking the amprolium in her water, Corid its a white powder mix 2 1/2 teaspoon per gal of water for 5-7 days then switch up and give them another mix in their water of minerals and electrolites to replace what the Corid just depleted killing the coccidiosis. Your vet should be able to help better, the guy at T.S. helped me more then the vet I think. Best help has been this website and the people here!
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So mine had been falling into zombie state for about a month before we took action. And have just gone through a 5 day cycle of medication which was prescribed to us by out vet. We have a follow-up appointment today, however, she is still showing signs so we might be continuing with the medication in hopes that she can beat it.
Ok now you also need to give her the electrolytes and minerals mix in their water to replenish what they just lost as they will be weak from the meds and from the parasite starving all their nutrients they get hit hard but its better then losing them if you catch it in time, Im not going to know for a few days but may lose another bird or two, Im disgusted I missed this and thought the Safegaurd was all I needed, yeah, NO !
Heres what I got at T.S.


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That's what our vet has us doing now. 1tbs of doxycline per cup of water, does that sound correct?
I would listen to your vet but perhaps ask more questions and get a second opinion , Im no vet but I just googled doxycycline and it says it is broad spectrum antibiotic commonly found at pet supply stores called Doxyvet Liquid and it says it will make the parasite sterile but does it kill it ? I dont know ? It is listed as a treatment but I would get a second opinion because coccidiosis just killed my bird and rather quickly as you know and 2 vets around me both said amprolium will kill the parasites as well as others on this site all say amprolium, Im on day 3 and no more dead birds so Im hoping Im safe but will be treating with Corid and Safegaurd both from now on, and periodically especially whens its been raining and the worms have been out everywhere. I will be picking up some Doxycycline also sa it says its good for respritory infections aslo so Im thinking of trying to be more prepared in the future before losing another bird.

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