Can someone please tell me what could have happened to this egg?


6 Years
Apr 3, 2013
Hi all
So these are my eggs for today. I have a small flock of 6 hens. 3 RIR's (or red stars) 2 BR's and one EE. Who lays what eggs? I know my EE is responsible for the green egg. Which ones belong to the RIRs and the BR's?
And what happened to the one egg at position 9? It looks like it cracked but mended itself before it was laid. Any suggestions?

The oviduct, in fact the whole procedure, isn't perfect.
These are the cool things you see when you have your own chickens.
My BR eggs look just like the darker ones you have. They are just little perfect uniform eggs. That would also explain why there are 2 of them.

The 9:00 egg most likely had an oops just like you thought. I wouldn't worry about it. That was probably her one for life.
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