Can someone post a pic of a bantam compared to average sized

If it ends up that your feebie is a standard it wouldn't be such a big deal if it were a hen but if it were a roo you would proabably have to find it a new home.
i never relized the extreme size diffrence, i new bantams were smaller, but not thet small!!! to all of you who have ordered bantams from mcmurray, did you order the exotic chick, was it also a bantam, i don't want to get rid of it, but i will if i have to yikes

We got our MM banties a couple of weeks ago. MM told me they would not put a standard in with such little chickens and that our free bird would be a banty........well, it is a full size Easter Egger. It is way bigger than the rest! I was very mad. Right now at two weeks he is doing ok with them. I am sure it is a roo though, so we'll have to keep an eye on things for now.​
I just wanted to say that picture makes me smile everytime I see it.
jenai, thanks for the compliment. that hen has now laid an egg every day for 10 days str8. i'm gonna let her hatch em out if she becomes broody so i can see what size they'll be
I had a hen that was half bantam cochin and half standard cochin and she was sort of in the middle. Next to a bantam, she was big, but she was a lot smaller than a standard.
But as long as it's hens only mixing standards and bantams is safe? Is that right? thanks, sharon
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My banty just hatched two, we dont have a banty roo anymore so I wasnt sure what to expect. Well now they are going on 4 weeks old. I figure that the daddy is my white rock. They will probably be medium sized but for now they are the same size as my 2 week old standard chicks. I will try to post pics later. One is a roo, one a hen- Im sure of it now.

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