Can someone tell me what I.Q. is please?

Wow, funny mix up!
SQ usually means subcutaneous injection. Just grab the skin and make a tent, put the payload in the tent.
ETA: you can change the title line by editing your original post.
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Oh, that's easy...It stand for Idgit Quotient....It is a numerical representation of of your moronedness. FWIW I scored a 12. It was a fun test, but they made me quit before I answered the last question. I got caught eating the paste.


Context, Context, Context! Man, here I am at work, trying to stay awake. I think y'all have finally dun it!!
I've got the giggles now, don't know when they'll stop!
Thank You

I'm very interested in this thread. Is everyone talking about intelligence, injections, shows, combs, spelling, chickens or people? I used to think my IQ (Intelligence Quotient) was high until I started reading here...
I've been laughing for a while though. Just leave it to cold weather. All the chicken people get cooped up in their houses for too long and this is what happens. At least, we don't have problems with ammonia if our coop is too tight!

Or, do we?

I agree with Dipsy Doodle Doo that a poll on the IQ of different breeds would be rather interesting. Start it Triple D!

Can't quit...or is that "cwit" laughing??

SQ usually stands for "show quality"...but always take that with a grain of salt. Unless the bird or it's parents are show WINNERS, then its "potential SQ". Even as winners, the likelihood of having a SQ offspring is about 50/50.

DQ stands for "disqualification"...there are some traits that will disqualify a bird in competition at a show. Vulture hocks comes to mind...there are others....

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