Can these 3 breeds get along & free range without a rooster?


6 Years
Jul 29, 2013
South Carolina
I'm getting 2 buff pullets, 1 barred rock pullet, 1 white leghorn pullet, im wanting to free range them without a rooster I do have a fence around the coop they can free range in, will they be ok without a rooster or do I need to get one? We do have Hawks in the area sometimes not often they come & go, i have almost 7 acres of land most of it is woods. Thank you!
Roosters do do a good job of defending a flock but, unfortunately, when it comes to fighting off predators, a rooster can only do so much. So, it is completely up to you. Hens can get along in a flock perfectly fine without a male present. But, then again, roosters also can greatly benefit your flock.
I have one rooster and several birds (30 laying hens, 3 pullets and 3 chicks with a broody hen). I have been roosterless as well, and I've found that the more assertive hens (Like my RIR's - your leghorn will probably suffice) take over rooster duties and warn the rest of the flock if anything is amiss. In fact, many times it's one of the brown leghorn hens that sets up the cry when a hawk is in the area with mine, and they all come charging under the barn shelter where their coops are located. The rooster does a good job too, but he's not totally necessary.
The rooster's main job is to sound the alert. Most won't actually fight off a predator or sacrifice themselves for the hens. When there's no rooster, usually the dominant hen keeps watch and alerts for potential threats.

Have plenty of cover if aerial predators are an issue. Bushes, shrubs, even a pallet up on some cinder blocks gives the birds something to hide under. If they're out in the wide open, even sounding the alert won't help much if they don't have cover nearby.
Ok thanks y'all I do plan to make hiding shelters for them. I also have coop with game bantams that I don't free range that have roosters in it & they always alert when predators are near by as well! I probably won't let them free range while I'm gone only when I'm home and I can keep a look out. Thanks again! :)

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