Can they get wet?


Mar 20, 2018
My chicks are about 2.5-3 weeks old. This is my first time having chicks so I was wondering if they can get wet? I was going to fill up the bath a little to let them play but I don’t know if they can get wet or if they even like water.


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Hi there! Welcome to the world of chickens!
No, chicks may even die if put it water. They get cold easily. Adult chickens may stand in some shallow water to keep cool during the summer, but most dislike water strongly, except for drinking of course :).
However, if you would like some cute birds that love to play in water, get ducks! Just make sure the babies don’t stay in too long, their down isn’t waterproof.
Baby chicks do not do well when wet. They get cold very easily and that cold will kill them quickly. Ducks would do better if that's what you want but ducklings are not waterproof until fully feathered out.
Baby chicks do not do well when wet. They get cold very easily and that cold will kill them quickly. Ducks would do better if that's what you want but ducklings are not waterproof until fully feathered out.
:thumbsup You explained that much more clearly!
Thank you both! I’m glad I asked. I just didn’t know if they liked water and if so I didn’t want to keep them from it, but I’m glad I don’t have to worry about that.
Could I take them outside with me for a little while during the day? The temperature is supposed to be about 65 tomorrow.
Under close supervision and provided you take them in soon, they should sleep for the day you got them and most of the next day, and they may get cold. If it’s especially warm, they can stay out longer. They love being outside! Scatter some mealworms for them to scratch for and place them in a rock free (had a bad experience with rocks and a chick the first time I had them) area, yet that has interesting things for them to check out. I hatch all the time (had here hatch yesterday and the day before!!) and if you have questions or need some help don’t hesitate to ask me!
That’s when I first got them a week ago.


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