Can two roosters live together peacefully?


11 Years
Apr 11, 2011
New York
Everyone is telling me my violet is most likely a roo and I have a 16 week old roo, that means I'll have three hens. Could two roos live peacefully together with only three hens?
Roos can live peacefully with other roos in all batchelor groups if they grew up together but not sure about with hens aswell, I think the ideal is to have 2 hens per roo?
Sorry its not a definate, my brain is struggling to remember the required info tonight.
Thanks, I hate having to rehome them I ♥ them so much. Though I could probably talk DH into one more hen.........Just gotta be sneaky about it.
i currently have three roosters. one is the big dominant male and pretty much says dont mess with my ladies! he is a barred rock. my seckond in command is a lovely multicolored silkie who is small and still thinks he is big. when the rock tries to attack someone he comes running up after him like his little back up (large rooster does not like strangers or people with red shirts). and the silkie will not attack unless the rock says to. the silkie has be givin premission to mate with a few hens that are low on the rocks list. now the third one is a hatchling from the rock as his daddy. he is timid and does not crow at all (rock crows morning and night and silkie crows alll freakin day long but i love him he is soooo pretty!). he gets picked on if he does a chicken dance for one of the lower ladies. i haveent seen him be able to successfully breed with anyone although he does try when the other two are not looking
. i think maby when he gets a bit older (now about 5months old) there may be more fights with him and daddy, but for now we are coexisting alright.

EDIT: i have 15 females with them all
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i have 4 roosters and about 18 hens... it works.. they each know their place
Your hens will live a life of bare backs and maybe even nervous nonlaying if you have two roos per hen or even per three hens. Recommended is 1 roo per 10 hens but I've found that, if your roos are vigorous breeders, even that is too few hens. I've had two roos live together with only the occasional contest until one roo proves superior and after that no scuffles. But then, these roos had 30 hens from which to choose, so nothing really to fight about.

So...if the conditions are right, yes..two roos can live together peacefully.

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