Can u help a Florida girl with the 1st super cold front w/ hens? PICS!

You will probably manage fine, but if you really think you need to protect the birds a bit, use somethng to baffle the wind while it is cold, like over your hardware cloth- vinyl sheeting or vapor seal...
You've gotten good advice from all--I'm sure they'd be fine if you didn't do a thing! If you do cover the door with a flap, remember that it will take a bit to get used to it, you probably will want to tie it back halfway during the day until they are used to it. Whatever you do, don't make the coop airtight! They need ventilation no matter how cold it is.
We are in Gainesville and our pens are all hardware cloth wire with no closed area at all. We just put a red heat lamp hanging down into each pen (securely fastened to avoid it falling) only on the coldest nights when it drops into the 20's like it will this week.

They are just fine...I think they even enjoy the cold weather. Their feathers are great insulators...just think about a down blanket and how warm it is. They are warm like that too.

I can't thank you all enough for your responses. I feel a lot less like I'm going to end up with hensicles now. I realize that the low 30s isn't "real cold" for many of you northerners, but since we have a warm-weather coop I was worried. I jammed some hay into the opening at the top of the stairs to keep out any draft. I know the girls are very capable of scratching that hay out of the way and coming down the stairs when they want to... I really feel like I'll sleep so much better after all of your kind words and advice!!!

Thanks again everyone!!

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