Can us people buy uk eggs & just have them shipped?

Seeing Silkies

9 Years
Sep 12, 2010
Columbia TN
Just wondering? I sell eggs on ebay I am in the US & seen that 1 of my bidders who is also in the US - has bought eggs from the UK more then once. I am all most sure this is not allowed, I know there are steps for importing & someone is not going to go through all that for 16.00 eggs - Makes me fear illness glad my birds dont leave my house nor do I allow any one near them ( unknown chicken owner ).

Makes me think of a well known breeder that was NPIP who had a sick chicken... never seen it before in her chicken years & took the chicken to the vet.... Not sure on what it had but they came to her farm and killed all of her chickens & took most of her stuff and they were in white suits, gloves & masks.. Truck's & drum's &
That is why we need to be careful.
You'll need to check with customs but I think eggs are ok, live birds may need to be quarantined for awhile.
Its not for me, I am not looking for any new birds.. I was just shocked to see there are people doing this, since eggs can also spread sickness once hatched. Maybe I am just worring to much. Plus I cant see farms spending Thousands of dollars to get a pair of rare & new to the us chickens over here, if they could of just bought the eggs.. But like I said my chickens dont leave my farm ( i do have some rare new to the us breed's & I have paid good money for them ) nor do I allow people who I dont know around them, my freinds dont have chickens.. A little trick I was told by a lady I bought some silkies from.. If someone is coming to buy a chick or something, have them put bags ( from your home ) on there feet/shoes and tie them around there leg, so when they walk they do not leave behind anything from there shoes that could make you flock sick

again I worry to much
I am not an expert but I am pretty sure that you are not supposed to be shipping hatching eggs from other countries in without quarrantine which would make the eggs non-viable by the time you could incubate them. If people are getting eggs from other countries "under the radar" then they could be setting the rest of the chicken population in the US up for a major disease. Some diseases can get into the egg and therefore in a hatched chick. While the cost of shipping in live birds and having them quarrantined is very high, I think it is worth the money and aggrivation if it is protecting our stock here. Shame on anyone illegally importing eggs since they either know the danger and are ignoring it or are oblivious to it.
I dont think so, That is why i started this thread. Trying to hear from someone who knows for sure and or what to do if you know someone who has done it against the law. We dont need any new sickness brought over here by an egg., is my feeling. I am willing to pay the money for a pair, that I am sure will not spread something to mine... Because if that happens they kill all of your chickens not just the ones that are sick... Because if it was to spead through the us
Importing birds or hatching eggs costs quite a bit and there is a quarantine period as well. Some disease can be passed through even hatching eggs, so there are restrictions on those as well as live birds.

There are members who have imported birds so I'm sure they'll be along shortly.
I totally agree, the laws are there to actually protect our stock (and vice versa if shipping eggs overseas) from diseases that are not in our country. Remember mad cow disease? No European beef was allowed in the US when it was discovered to protect our stock. I am pretty sure that you can report someone to US Customs if you think they have imported eggs illegally. I am not a big believer in being a "tattle tail" or putting my nose in other people's buisness, but sometimes it is called for since this kind of practice could endanger a LOT of chickens. IMO
Does the U.S. have an import ban on fowl. I thought that was why chickens such as marans are sought after, cause they can't be imported anymore? Just wandering.
Thanks Kathy
Assuming that the eggs went through customs (pretty hard to not do so in this day of ultra thorough passenger and baggage screening), import laws and health issues were addressed. Since her ad mentions imported eggs, I cannot imagine that they did not go through proper channels. Yes, eggs are considerably less expensive to import. MOST poultry illnesses do not pass through the egg, although there are a few that do.

BTW, wild birds do not pass through customs, and completely ignore national borders.

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