Can we have too many breeds to start?

Mixed flock here. Lotsa roosters, too. However, unless you have a broody hen or two, you will have to incubate the eggs yourself for any breeding program. Most hens lay their eggs, get off the nest, and never give the eggs another thought. Gotta have a broody hen to hatch 'em - or an incubator or few.

Just sayin....

But welcome to BYC and keeping chickens! They're delightful!
We have lots of breeds and we just started our flock. Right now we have 15 RIR, 10 Barred Rocks, 10 Silver Laced Wyandottes, 1 we think is a Blue Andalusian roo, 7 Light Brahmas, 6 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Easter Eggers, 7 Black Copper Marans, and 7 Assorted Bantams. We wanted to try a whole assortment of breeds and pick from there. We will probably be selling some of them as we start to pick which breeds we want to keep. They are so much fun.

PS My wife also decided that we needed 4 ducks to go with the chickens as well.
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You can get as many breeds as you wish. Last spring when I ordered my first chicks I picked a little of everything. I now have 31 chickens (3 roosters and 28 hens). Of these I have 29 different breeds represented in my flock. I have ordered another 9 chicks for this spring, again of different breeds. I just love them all!!
This is what we have:

buff orp
light brahma
bared rocks
american games
cukoo miran
partridge rock
white leghorn
black sex link
dark cornish bulldog
muscovy ducks

golden whyandotte chicks
ee chick
dark cornish chicks

soon to come: bbr turkey poults
assortment of packing peanut chicks.
I am another just starting out with chickens and have a mixed flock. I have Barred Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, Brown Leghorn, RIR, and an assortment of "red pullet" chicks from TSC. Also have eggs coming for the incubator. And of course, I am wanting to add quite a few breeds to the flock soon!
Have a wonderful time with your new flock - they are like a flower many colors etc. FYI most of the time if the mixed babies grown up together they get along. But everyone has had different experiences with a mixed flock. So much fun to breed and raise your own.

Good Luck!

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