Can we help out a friend??


East Indie Crazed
11 Years
Apr 12, 2008
Sacramento CA
Can you all help my dear dear friend or I just call her my Grandma. She lost her favorite lil silkie rooster. If you could write a little note to her she would be soo happy!

Heres the email she sent to me:
Biggy was killed last night & it was totally my fault. I set him on the table while I finished closing crates & then I forgot him. I forgot Killer too, but he stayed safe on the porch. Poor Biggy trusted me & stayed where he was. No feathers, nothing, just gone. I can’t talk or I start crying & I feel so guilty. Heck, I AM guilty. If Biggy was a child, I’d be in jail on neglect or manslaughter charges. Probably where I belong anyway. I know he was just a chicken, but he was actually more dog than bird. If I didn’t have the rest of the animals to care for, I’d probably run away from home.

Please write somthing nice to her on here then I will show her the post...

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awwww... that sucks.... well, all i can say is that we all make mistakes, so i wouldnt worry about sorry, that is so sad =[
Sorry to hear that! *hugs*
Hi Ryan's Grandma.


I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I know how it feels, things like that have happened to me before. I make a mistake and something happens, I feel so bad. But you have to realize that you can't do anything about it now, and that you loved that little rooster. He had a good life. Keep your chin up, you'll get through it.
Aw heck, its ok mam. I know it hurts losin a critter, they almost get to be like your folks after awhile. I made the mistake of leavin my favorite little black-n-tan girl outside and the neighbors pits got her, so I understand the guilt. Sometimes things just happen that way.
So sorry for your loss gramma.... And so sorry that you feel so terrible about your mistake, Ryan. :aww
Maybe it will help to think of all the chickens who live in little cages and are slaughtered at 3 months of age and to realize what a wonderful life yours had.

Hope you find another little one to cheer you up!

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