Can you ever get "just a few" eggs?


8 Years
Jun 18, 2011
I always see people selling fertile eggs. I'm wondering if you can EVER get just I few, I mean like, 4-6 eggs from someone. I'd also love a mix of eggs. I like having one of everything lol

Would have to be bantam too! My RIR has gone broody twice in the past, she's 2 now. Not sure if she will again. So I guess the next most likely other than her would be my young D'uccle, and obviously she can't sit on many eggs!

But yes does it ever happen or should I just buy a dozen and chuck the rest away? I have a friend who would spilt them with me but the chances of us getting broody at the same time are slim!!
I have seen people on the BYC auctions selling 6 eggs before. It probably doesn't happen often but I have seen it before. Maybe if you can find someone in your area who has fertile eggs you could ask them if you could just come pick up a few.
I think people tend to sell more than just a few, because you never know how many will hatch. It's very disappointing to go through the 21 days, to get 1 or even no chicks out of the deal. Incubating more eggs increases your odds of getting some live chicks. You can always sell or give away the extras.
But to answer your question, some people will sell just a few, but you may have to ask.
I bought 6 eggs off the BYC auction and 2 hatched. Worked out perfect for what I wanted
Eggs that are worth a lot are sold in lots of 6 all the time but other breeds are usually sold in lots of 12 or more. Its mainly cause packing an shipping 1 egg is about as labor intensive an costly as 12 eggs. People are trying to get the most bang for there buck.
Shipping is hard on them too. The number of eggs that will be successful is lessened. So your better off ordering more.

I can understand your only wanting a few. I have a small yard and only want a few chickens, but also want to hatch them our selves, so I will be ordering eggs, and hoping to sell the rest to a local feed store or craigslist.

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