Can You Figure It Out?


10 Years
Nov 9, 2013
Examine the photo. I'll meet you underneath it.

It's Number One, the only one of my birds here at present. The parrots raid the early plum trees all day, and she stands quietly underneath, an hour at a time, and scoffs off the plums that the parrots drop. This happens every year. The birds mosey from tree to tree, following the parrots.

{Male with seven chicks cruised past the garden last week.}

Supreme Emu, Western Australia
Examine the photo. I'll meet you underneath it.

It's Number One, the only one of my birds here at present. The parrots raid the early plum trees all day, and she stands quietly underneath, an hour at a time, and scoffs off the plums that the parrots drop. This happens every year. The birds mosey from tree to tree, following the parrots.

{Male with seven chicks cruised past the garden last week.}

Supreme Emu, Western Australia
I really scrutinized this photo even brought it out and looked at it in a photo editor. I am not seeing any birds at all. But from your description it sounds like your birds are smart following the parrots about. Do they get drunk off the plums?

That is awesome!! And very camouflaged! :)

I really scrutinized this photo even brought it out and looked at it in a photo editor.  I am not seeing any birds at all.  But from your description it sounds like your birds are smart following the parrots about.  Do they get drunk off the plums?


Deb, if you look directly at the trunk of the tree (larger one on left) you can just see the breast of the emu to the right side and the tail dropping down to the left side... legs are almost exactly lined up with the trunk...

And beautiful photo too...
They're wild, Weehopper. I'm the only Australian here -- really, I've retired: my eyes are bad.

So, over eight years, I've tamed a number of dromaius novaehollandiae rothschildi that have come foraging in the house-clearing here. A number of members of 'Eric the Emu''s family are known. Number One is one of three chicks he bought here in 2009
Thanks for answering. That's really neat that you are able to tame them down a bit. Very interesting.

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