Can you free range wild turkeys?


In the Brooder
Dec 8, 2015
I have 3 heritage turkeys( all hens) and they most of the time hang out with my chickens. All friends. They roost on top of the chicken run every night. They never go far.

I am about to buy adult wild turkeys that are a month older then mine. The guy who is raising these wild turkeys hatched them from eggs and raised them in pens.

My question is , Can I have these wild turkeys free range as well and not run off?
I am only getting 3. 1 tom and 2 hens.

I have read some about people free ranging but not enough to feel comfortable.

Do I just keep them locked up for a couple weeks and then let them out with my heritage ones?

My gut says they will eventually wander off taking your domestics with them - especially if there are wild birds in the area.
I think it sounds like it might be worth a shot. If they were raised from hatchlings and penned up, they may be used to sticking together and will want to stay close to the pack? If it were me, I would let them free range a small amount of hours each day to start and train them to come back to the coop/pen for treats along with the chickens.
I have seen peafowl leave their home to travel with wild turkey flocks - seriously doubt that wild turkeys could resist the attraction. In Warwick RI I saw a flock of wild turkeys that included a Royal Palm hen.
I have 3 heritage turkeys( all hens) and they most of the time hang out with my chickens. All friends. They roost on top of the chicken run every night. They never go far.

I am about to buy adult wild turkeys that are a month older then mine. The guy who is raising these wild turkeys hatched them from eggs and raised them in pens.

My question is , Can I have these wild turkeys free range as well and not run off?
I am only getting 3. 1 tom and 2 hens.

I have read some about people free ranging but not enough to feel comfortable.

Do I just keep them locked up for a couple weeks and then let them out with my heritage ones?


Not knowing where you live it is impossible to give the proper answer.

Most states require you to have a permit from your state G&F dept. in order to have wild turkeys. Those states typically prohibit free ranging wild turkeys because they don't want them mixing with the actual wild turkeys.

You should check with your local G&F dept. or game warden before you do anything.
Not knowing where you live it is impossible to give the proper answer.

Most states require you to have a permit from your state G&F dept. in order to have wild turkeys. Those states typically prohibit free ranging wild turkeys because they don't want them mixing with the actual wild turkeys.

You should check with your local G&F dept. or game warden before you do anything.

I was asking if anyone has had experience doing this. not if it is allowable. which it is here. thanks
Anyone else with experience in free ranging wild turkey breeds that have been human raised all their life?
My heritage breeds do well free ranging.

Should be fine. Buddy has a couple easterns that have been in pen. Always come back.

But if there are wild ones around they could join them and leave.

You run the same risk with domesticated varieties that free range. Free ranging is a risk.

A few people have had wild birds join their flock.

If they are new pen them for couple weeks. Once they figure out where food water and cover is. They shouldnt go to far.

Good luck
I have a wild turkey, there like heritage turkeys but slightly smaller and sometimes fly more. I kept my tom in a coop with the heritage turkeys for a week or two.

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