Can you freeze jelly beans?

I go on vacation and come back to find a jellybean explosion of posts!
But then that thought of a pit full of jellybeans. I don't know. If one can sink and drown in a large commercial storage bin of wheat or soybeans, might not the same be possible with jellybeans?  They could truly be dangerous~ maybe they need a caution label? Danger: excessive accumulations of jellybeans can be dangerous to your health?  Back to that first post-- is a freezer full of jellybeans actually  lethal in more ways than a sugar rush?   Maybe we need to limit the amount of jellybeans a person is allowed to buy-- for their own safety.

You work for the gubment dont 'cha? :/
Folks, I went to my local Wal-Mart and. . . and. . . they were out of jelly beans!!!!! I think it might be a consiracy by the gubment.
Brownies, jellybeans and sprinkles? Does it get any better than that?

(Hmmm. Wonder if the kids want to help me make brownies?)
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