Can You Hatch Eggs All Year Round???


11 Years
May 21, 2008
I'm guessing the best time is in spring, can I but eggs in the bator in august? or any time of the year like in the autumn?
I'm pretty sure you can.. cuz after i hatch out all my eggs i'm going to hatch out some more around but some people say it's not good cuz the weather but theres a risk in shipping eggs anyway bad or good weather

and as for ducks and geese i don't think you can get eggs for thos until spring cuz thats when they lay eggs the most
They're your eggs-you can hatch them anytime you want to. Hatching & rearing in the winter months require a little more in the way of housing. [Unless of course you're smart enough to live somewhere warm-which I'm not]
I prefer to hatch in the fall and winter but I live in south and we don't have a long cold season. Like everyone has said you just have to be prepared with housing. I keep mine in large brooder boxes till they are feathered out then depending on how many I have they may stay a little longer. If is move them to outside run they get a lamp till they are around four months. One they get close to or move away from

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