Can you ID my rooster?


10 Years
Oct 5, 2009
Hi! Back in August I bought a selection of chickens from a woman with a thick Indian accent - her coop was immaculate and birds so beautiful and well-kept, I disregarded the fact I could barely understand her! I bought three RI Reds, on black austrolorp and this guy ... who just got his sickle feathers two weeks ago (I thought he was a hen!). Black, rose or pea comb (?), brown speckles on back, green irridescence to feathers/tail, white legs - beautiful bird with fantastic personality - a real pet. Loves to be held, petted ... sweet! But what IS he? Thank you,


PS I added pic of australorp, too - she is also very pretty but def a different breed than he is.



Wow, pretty rooster! You sure that's an Australorp? Mine has dark brown eyes and dark gray (blackish) legs.

edited to add... I think you may have a Black Star hen - ??

Black Star pic from
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The roo looks mixed probably EE or americana cross. The pullet looks to be a Black sex-link type just has very little red in feathers. Black Austalorps have dark bay eyes and black feet with pinkish- white pads(bottoms).
Thank you both! Black Star, huh? Well, like I said I could barely understand her but I have NEVER seen coops as clean as hers! He is a love - was named Mulan but now is "Mully." Hasn't started crowing yet - puffs up, flaps, opens his mouth ... nothing comes out! Pretty funny stuff. I am loving my chickens!
Dorking? Now, that's funny because I have been all over the "chickens for sale" area .... looking for Dorkings, preferably near me! Was hoping to get two or three hens, and start eggs late winter. I think they would sell easily and I love the idea of helping preserve a heritage breed. Does anyone have anything they can tell me about Dorkings - I've been doing a lot of reading, they seem like very nice pet-quality layers (yes, I imagine "eaters" too since they are dual purpose! But we'll have none of that!).

Did I mention I picked up two silkies - one white, one black - who are just about the cutest, sweetests things on two legs????

Why didn't anyone warn me about how addictive these creatures can be?

Not an Australorp and I DO have black sex links that look solid black with green sheen with none of the red and some that have the red.This one looks a lot like my solid black sex links. From the angle of the picture it doesn't appear to have Rock form.
Pretty many of the crosses have some of the most interesting and pretty color patterns.
Sorry we can't warn you about the addiction...addicts LOVE company
we go out of our way to hook another poor soul to chickenism then after your hooked real well we let you borrow a bator(the only time we will turn it off is to get another egg hoarder going) and if you thought you were hooked before...that's the clincher

Silkies are beyond cute.Our daughter just hatched has a vaulted head and there is no words to describe a tiny vaulted head chicklett adorable doesn't even come close

We started with 6 and have now closed in on 175..we will be eating some though.

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