Can You Tell From You Eggs Which Chicken Laid Them?

Ira B

In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 18, 2011
Ok, I'm obviously a chicken raising newbe, but I was wondering if any of you can tell from the egg laid which of your chickens did the deed.

We have three Rhode Island Reds (delightful birds) and one seems to lay med sized eggs and another larger ones. They seem to be shaped differently too.
Is this a reliable way to tell who is laying what of do chickens egg characteristics change a lot from egg to egg?

If you wish to have a good laugh at my question, go ahead, I can take it.
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I think it is a great question.....and Yes, I can tell
and I have about 40 layers...........With some I can only tell the breed
but with most I know who layed what..........
It is fun, then I know who to say thank You to that day................
I can tell. But then I have three separate breeds.

My JG lays a brown egg with dark brown spots. She puts a heavy coat of bloom on her eggs so the spots are tough to see until you run it under water. Each one is unique and I just love them.
If you are an observant person who cares just a little toooooooo much about eggs, then yes

All of my girls who are laying right now are Gold Comets from the same hatchery. I can tell who laid what very easily

Darla's eggs are kind of a rosie brown
Drusilla's eggs are a gorgeous dark terracotta (I think she dyes her feathers to hide that she's a Maran)
Carmelita's eggs are a light tan
Ophelia's eggs are light tan with speckles

and I'm still waiting on my crummy primadonna EE to 'grace' us with her royal highness' eggs.
Thanks for the replies.

I thought I could see a difference but was worried I was reading too much into my observations.
I worried that all my new girls might figure out a way to start laying on the same day, so I wouldn't have a clue
but fortunately they did NOT coordinate their efforts so it was pretty easy to figure out who was clocking in as they came on line. They're working on getting regular now and it's fun keeping track of who does what each day - and yes, I also make sure of who to thank when I collect eggs! It's also fun, when I give away any, to point to each egg and name the girl responsible. My sisters got a kick out of the "personal touch".
I agree it is so interesting to see the differences in each egg from each of the girls. The best for me is opening a dozen of my eggs and telling guests who laid what, and them all looking a tad different. Not like store bought eggs.

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