Can you tell me about the Ancona duck?


8 Years
Jan 27, 2011
N. Ca
I'm trying to work on my hen to drake ratio and their is a lady near by who breeds Ancona ducks. I'm wondering how well they will get along with my khaki campbells. I pretty much know nothing about the breed and would be greatful to hear some of your experiences with them.

EDIT: I forgot to ask about quarantine. Is it necessary to always quarantine poultry before being introduced to existing memebers, how long? If so I may want to get hatchlings so that their brooding period can be their quarantine.
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Anconas are lovely ducks! Their uniquely individual color and pattern variations give them a variety that would stand out among your Campbell flock. They should get along together just fine, ducks is ducks. They will interbreed with your KCs and give you mutt babies though, dunno if you plan on selling ducklings from them.

Anconas have a pretty respectable egg output, if the people raising them maintain their flock with that trait in mind. They also forage well, don't really fly (a couple of my hens can make it onto the top of a table, if they're motivated) and have a pretty calm and cheerful disposition. If you're inclined to eat 'em, they're big enough but not too fatty. And they don't tend to wander off very far from home.

I like em


As for your sex ratio, 1 drake to 3 hens is often quoted as the minimum. Some folks keep one drake for 8-9 hens. I have 9 hens and 3 drakes. I like having backups and the genetic diversity, and each boy has some traits I like. You'll find the right balance for your flock
I would LOVE to get a hold of some anconas! I think I will have to buy/make a bator and buy some hatching eggs. I havent found anywhere that sells ducklings
I have 3 Ancona's and I would not trade them for anything. They are very pretty ducks and I guess the word to describe mine would be independent. My three have taken on the role of protectors and can be territorial to other small animals like birds and squirrels. They take care of my Crested Buff Duck who I guess you can say is a dufus duck (he can't "talk", is forever getting "lost" and usually can not find his way back up the ramp to the duck house and alot of other things). They keep him protected and surrounded at ALL times. If you could just see the time, attention and patience that they show "Sometimes"(the buff duck) you could understand the admiration that I have for this duck breed. On top of that they are very intelligent and funny ducks. They love to "dance" in the pond and put on a show for you that will make you laugh until you cry. I have always loved ducks, no matter what kind, but these ducks show more compassion than most people that I know. I would recommend them to anyone that asks.
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Well, they are really distinctive. I have a hard time telling apart my KC if it wern't for the one who quacked they'd all be the same at this point.
I'm still wondering how long new ducks should be quarintined.

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