Can you use straw?


12 Years
Mar 17, 2007
I have five, week-old RIR chicks. They are in their new brooder and happily scratting in the pine shavings. They've been in there for about 3 days now, so i'm thinking it's time to clean them out...My question is, is straw okay to use instead of shavings?

We only have a few shavings left and can't get to a pet shop. Should i wait until tomorrow to clean the chicks out, or can i use straw? I could even use the rest of the shavings and add some straw in if that would be better...? Thanks in advance for any replies
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I Just went to the co-op and bought a bale of hay (which was a reasonable price this time last year)and put some of it down in the coop and just let them have a ball. Now they are laying and we really enjoy all thee eggs.I have never used pine shavings, ( no place to get them) and have always used hay.
Hurray that means i can clean them out and they can experience straw for the first time, should be fun

Thanks for the quick replies, i've learnt so much from this site...
*goes off to clean out chicks*
Straw is fine ... and wheat straw is better than barley straw.

Hay can be problematic. They will try to eat it, it is expensive, and it has a tendency to go mouldy very quickly when damp.

Hay is great for feeding animals, but less good for bedding.

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