Can you verify breeds for me? Picture heavy


Apr 27, 2015
I recently got a rooster and was told he was a blue cuckoo marans but then on here I was told he was an easter egger. After being told that, I realize he didn't look anything like a BCM. I don't really care about breeds though, just curious to know what I have. I got my 9 hens from the same lady awhile back and just wanted to verify the breeds she told me they were (pretty sure they are all what she said they are though.) They are all 24 weeks old, except the rooster who is just under a year. Please click on photos to enlarge them if needed.

Elsa: White Marans

Daisy: Splash Blue Andalusian (She is one I'm not too sure of because her and my other BA have totally different body shapes)

Dixie Chick: Blue Andalusian (Compare body shape to Daisy above)

Also, can anyone tell me why Dixie hasn't started laying yet? I haven't gotten any eggs from any of them but Dixie has a very large comb and is at the top of the pecking order. She looks ready to lay but hasn't.
April: Salmon Faverolle

Pepper: Easter Egger

Betty Lou: White Marans

Tater: Easter Egger

Tot: Salmon Faverolle

Vivi: Golden Cuckoo Marans

Daryl (Rooster): Was told he was a blue cuckoo marans with the wrong coloring but was told here he was an easter egger.

I think you're good on everyone but Daisy. She doesn't look like an Andalusian. You're correct on the body shape, she's more rounded and hefty looking (don't tell her I said that
) and she's missing the classic white earlobes. With the other breeds, my guess on her would be a splash Marans. The only thing that gives me pause is all the other Marans are feather legged and she's not. I guess you'll know when she starts laying.

Your rooster isn't even cuckoo--not sure what the seller was thinking there
. He could be an EE, or with the funky looking comb and the other breeds, my thought is an EE/Marans cross, someone working on an Olive egger. Could be interesting to hatch out some babies from him down the line.....
I don't think she's a boy because her comb just started developing like that a week or two ago. Plus, I have a rooster and he is like 3x her size.
Yeah now that you mention it, splash marans does seem to fit her especially with the absence of white earlobes (didn't think of that either). My golden cuckoo marans doesn't have the feathered legs either. These are all hatchery chicks which I know makes a difference in their quality.
Also, with the rooster...if he were an Easter egger, wouldn't his legs be green? I included a picture of them but you can't tell the color that well. They are grey...very similar to my blue Andalusians leg color.
I have one that looks just like Daisy. I am new to keeping chickens (besides having them when I was a kid). So I am not sure on some of mine that I got from a 4H sale. She was from a barnyard mix box. That would be cool If she is a splash BA.
Well, we think Daisy is actually a splash marans. Does your girl have the body of Daisy or the body of Dixie (both pictured in the post) Dixie is definitely a BA. if she looks more like Dixie, then it's possible shes a BA. Blue Andalusians have white earlobes and large single combs. They lay white eggs.

Marans like Daisy lay dark brown eggs, usually have feathered legs, and also have a single comb, but I THINK it doesn't get as big as Andalusians.

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