Canary Eggs *5 out of 5 hatched* W/ PIX

Congrats on your soon-to-be chicks! A word of warning though--handfeeding canaries is much harder than something like a cockatiel, a lovebird or even parakeets. Canary parents will abandon a nest much faster and the chicks tend to be far more delicate. My dad has been raising champions German Rollers for years and he has had a number of chick losses over the years from just taking them out of the nest for a few minutes to band them at 2 days (if I remember the timing correctly). I remember him trying to save a clutch after the mother stopped feeding them after he messed with them for some reason or another. Far different than my cockatiels who let me handle their babes a few times a day the first week they were hatched!

Once the babies are eating on their own you can get in and start handling them. My father has never bothered with that since they are **show** birds bred and trained for their song rather than their pet personality, but I have heard of a few very tame canaries that will sit on your finger and such. Good luck!

Oh, and BTW, one way to tame them is to make sure momma has access to egg food and sprouted seed and then use those as hand-feeding treats once the babes are a bit older. The chicks will miss their yummy treats and will be more inclined to take them from you.
I breed and hand feed some parrots and I would discourage handfeeding canaries. If you must do it, wait until they are very stable and begin to have feathers. Unless the parents dont feed we usually dont pull babies for 2 to 3 weeks...a bird like a canary might perch on you but its not going to be cuddly like a lovebird or a budgie. I would only handfeed a canary or a finch if the parents wouldnt feed for some reason.
It is really, really hard with the smaller babies and if you pull them that early you will be feeding every 2 to 3 hours round the clock!
Some people say that you have to pull babies in the first week to get them really tame, but I find that with everything from lovebirds, to green cheeked conures, to larger birds, the parents can keep em until they start to feather at 3 to 4 weeks and when you pull them they will be Ok with 4 feedings per day. My babies come out perfectly cuddly, playful, and tame!
I urge you to not attempt to feed very small birds unless you have experience. Its horrible when they aspirate!...and the parents will do a great job.

I know so many canaries that will fly around and then go back to their cages...that will perch and sing...I cant imagine what else one could get from a canary in the way of tameness. They are so fragile!
Please let us know how it works out. I love canaries! I have been looking for a pair of frilled ones.

Now...on the other side of the camp. I hand fed two canaries (and a batch of zebra finches). I have to say, it was a piece of cake. It was labor intensive, but worth it. I used a crop tube (from my vet) that really helped prevent aspirating during feedings.

I let the parents do all the work until the day before the babies opened their eyes - then I pulled them and fed them myself. I recommend doing this...they don't "imprint" until they begin to open their eyes. As I recall, it was every couple of hours during the daylight, and I fed a powdered formula that I mixed with Gerber jar baby food rice formula, and a touch of water - and I used a powder supplement recommended in a publication called Finch and Canary world (I'm not sure it's still being printed, but you might be able to find the archived article about hand feeding canaries). I don't know if I was lucky, but of all the ones I hand fed, I only lost one Zebra finch.

I met my husband not long after feeding out the babies, and he was amazed at how tame and friendly they were (exactly what I wanted!). I gave the finches and one canary to a friend when we moved, but I still have one of the canaries....His name is Amadeus (for the obvious reason), and he turned 10 this spring - and is still going strong! I can still hold him and pet him and handle him without stress anytime I want to - it's great.

I'm busier now than I was back then, but if I had the time I wouldn't hesitate to do it again!
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We got one baby out so far!
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