
We candled using a roll of tp and a 60watt desk lamp tilted bulb-up. DH put the roll over the bulb and I held an egg over the center. Worked really well. Just can't leave the roll sittin' on the lamp for too long!
I made a pretty cool candler using a 5 lb coffee can with a hole cut thru the metal bottom, and put strips of aluminum on the inner side of the can to reflect more of the light . I put strips of black tape with 1/4 inch false edges all the way around the hole to make more of the the light stay in the hole when i have an egg on the hole. I used an energy efficent CGL light bulb. I covered the whole thing with a dark cloth with a hole cut into it. It does a good job, but didnt cost me anything to make as I had everything already. I would put photos ( because i took tons), but i cant figure out how to put photos up in here yet
Donna Rogers in Branson Missouri 10 WLH, 20 assorted brown egg layers, 11 chinese crested dogs who enjoy eating eggs, 12 serama eggs, 2 silkie eggs in day 1 incubation (wish me luck)
I use a small mag lite
day 3

day 7


It is best to do it at night in the pitch dark. It depends on how dark your eggs are. By day 14 you should see a dark mass and a air sac
I cup my hand over a small LED flashlight.

By day 4 you will see small veins (like a spiders web)

Day 7 will be a dark mass on one side of the egg.

Day 14 will be completely dark with a large air cell.

By day 21 you will see chicks.

Great pics.
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