Candled @ day 3... Questions (PICTURE post 4)


7 Years
Feb 28, 2012
New Jersey
I candled 4 eggs today. 3 of them looked like they had nothing in them...but it's still early to tell.
i noticed in one of em that at one end of the egg had white lines, to them. I wish I took a picture but
being that i had only two hands and one had the egg in it, well I couldn't.
but i am curious what do these white lines mean in a RIR egg?
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Sounds like a fracture/crack to me.

Day 3 is mighty early to candle for a newbie though, best to wait leave them be and candle at day 7 at the earliest, day 10-14 at best.
Unless you're a seasoned candler, day 3 incubated eggs will look like nothing special. By day 7 you will be able to see if you have embryos growing. Candle a non-incubated egg to use as comparison. Don't bother candling every day. When it comes to incubating eggs, less is more. Hands-off often leads to higher hatch rates.
I did however spot a very small ring to the others. :) but now i am leaving em until like day 10... or so i don't want to touch them too much to candle.

here's the one egg:
it's an okay picture...

i have read if it is a bad egg it might contaminate the rest of the eggs.
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I'm not sure what causes those marks, but I've had a few like that. Just keep it in the bator and check again at 10 days. A bad egg can only contaminate the others if it gets so rotten that it bursts. You will be able to smell a stinky egg before that point. If you have an egg you're not sure about, sniff it. If it doesn't stink, you can incubate it longer.
I found a second egg with those lines but a lot more... Hmmmm
What could of caused em??

Hi there, the white lines and blotches look like porous marks. All eggs are porous so the oxagen can get in and out. An egg that is too porous usually means the hen that layed it hasnt had enough grit in her diet.. Some folks say dont hatch very porous shells but ive hatched loads ive had shipped to me and all the chicks have hatched.. Thats what it looks like to me but i might be wrong...
Candling eggs on day 3 is far too early to tell hun. Why dont you candle them again at day 7 and take some more pictures as we would all love to see them..
Keep us posted.:D.
Hi there, the white lines and blotches look like porous marks. All eggs are porous so the oxagen can get in and out. An egg that is too porous usually means the hen that layed it hasnt had enough grit in her diet.. Some folks say dont hatch very porous shells but ive hatched loads ive had shipped to me and all the chicks have hatched.. Thats what it looks like to me but i might be wrong...
Candling eggs on day 3 is far too early to tell hun. Why dont you candle them again at day 7 and take some more pictures as we would all love to see them..
Keep us posted.

I pretty much knew day 3 was too early. I just wanted to see what I could see @ day 3. I am planning on candling again at day seven (friday).
Best to candle at Day 10. Then you are sure that there is or is not something in the egg. Day 3 is near to impossible to tell anything. Candling too early can damage the delicate network just beginning to form. In other words, candling at day 3 can actually kill the embryo.
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