Candled yesterday & today.....days 5 & 6 ( staggered hatch )


12 Years
Jun 12, 2007
There are 49 eggs in my is how they pan out...

EBAY eggs got 15, 1 clear, 1 questionable, 13 developing

My eggs set 4 all developing

Therealsilkie chick.... got 16, 1 looks like it's getting a
bloodring, all others developing!

DipsyDoodleDoo got 15, son broke 1, 4 look clear...but it looks like it's from shipping....the air cells are loose.

Over all

6 that are either clear or look like bloodrings - these are still in the bator, I will look at them again in a few days to make sure
1 questionable
42 developling little balls of fluff

I picked up a 9led light at Walmart eggs showed up perfectly!!!

Dipsy - both of the special eggs are developing !!!!!
it is a little short yellow light about 4 inches long, it was on the rack at the front of the store

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