Candling / air space help needed.


8 Years
Aug 17, 2011
Does any one know if an egg is not developing would the air space keep growing or not?, also what does an egg with no air space mean??.
I ask because i got 1 egg with no air space and a few others that don't look like they have developed but the airspace is growing. They have been in the bator for ten days.
If i do float test on the eggs that are not showing development should they sink? i just want to be sure before i start chucking eggs out.
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Ive never really trusted air space.. But I always hatch brown eggs so its hard to see.
If you open the bator you can usually "smell" a bad egg. It wont be strong but a very slight "something".. but not always.

Heres a link for you
Oh well i suppose tomorrow i will chuck out the ones not showing any development as i really don't want any exploding in the bator.
Also, I wanted to mention that the float test is not really useful unless you're talking about eggs that are 21+ days along...
ok thanks for that, i was thinking that if they had not developed at all that they would sink.

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