Candling and Incubating?


12 Years
Sep 14, 2007
Modesto Ca

I have a broody hen. She has been mated with by a wild rooster more than 3 times. So, today, I was looking for her. She was under the coop with 2 eggs. one egg was kinda cold, the other warm, since it still had "Bloom" on it. So I was wondering how you tell if the eggs are fertile? She wouldnt get off the eggs, so I picked her up and took them. YEs she bit me. If they are fertile I will need a bator for them to hatch. Can you give me directions on how to make a homemade bator WITHOUT USING ANY TYPE OF ELECTRICITY? I HAVE TO GET A THERMOMETER. nO ELECTRICITY, CAUSE MY PARENT DONT WANT THE ELECTRICITY BILL TO SKY ROCKET(OUR BILL IS ALREADY $300, THEY DONT NEED MORE. SO please help me out.

Ok the mods can delete the other post cause i hit the post button twice. Sorry.
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Well if you can't use ELECTRICITY. You can let the hen sit on it. It might be better for hatch rate. I'm not sure what else you can use.
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I have heard someone say when they were little, this is how theyd hatch eggs without electricity

1 gallon Plastic Ice cream container
1 smaller container to fit inside.
Water Fertile Eggs

First place the small container into the larger one

fill the water up 1 inch below the rim of the small cup

put in the eggs

put lid onto larger container

Make 10 holes for some oxygen

make sure the water is very hot(not boiling)

then when the water gets cool, change it.

Do you think this will work.
IDK where I read it , but I think this is how they did it

IDK about the hatch rate though
you gotta change water over and over.. i dont think its gonna work either temp has to be around 99.5 degrees. you can try it and hope for sucess
I would try to get the hen to settle back down on a nest then slipp these back under her. To do this you would have to be home 24/7 and after 21 days it would get vary old.
How do you candle them? I think i did it right.
I saw an air cell near the egg bottom. I dont know what a fertile egg should look like. Any pics, or links
Egg shells are porus, they do breathe and absorb moisture through the shell.

If you can't use electricity and you have a broody hen, just let her hatch the eggs.

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