cannibalistic chick


May 1, 2016
I had 10 chicks in my brooder area. yesterday I noticed one girl being mean to the others. She would pull a feather from one of the other chicks and run around the brooder carrying it while the others chased her. She didn't seem to be picking on any particular one so I dismissed it as play or pecking order disputes and left them alone. This morning I woke up to a dead chick who looks like she was plucked bald.
Should I remove the bully? If so for how long do I isolate her? Any other ideas?
I had 10 chicks in my brooder area. yesterday I noticed one girl being mean to the others. She would pull a feather from one of the other chicks and run around the brooder carrying it while the others chased her. She didn't seem to be picking on any particular one so I dismissed it as play or pecking order disputes and left them alone. This morning I woke up to a dead chick who looks like she was plucked bald.
Should I remove the bully? If so for how long do I isolate her? Any other ideas?
How large is your brooder area?
Can you post pictures?
What are you feeding them?
5-6 week old EE, Black Austrolopes, BO, and leghorns. One of the EE's is the bully and the dead chick was one of the Blacks

Interesting! Maybe they are outgrowing their brooder? Sometimes to stop a bully, you can confine them away (but within sight/hearing) from the rest. You can provide visual distractions for the chicks to get out of a line of sight, but still be able to escape (never cornered), such as a piece of wood/ cardboard propped up against side of brooder, or a roost bar, etc. An unbreakable mirror can be a great distraction (more chicks!), as can a few black dots on the side of the brooder within pecking height can be a distraction/entertainment.

Also, since they are growing feathers upon feathers, which are primarily protein, make sure their feed is a higher protein...around 18-20% protein minimum. Nix any treats to make sure they are getting full nutrition from their formulated feed.

Good Luck!
I moved them all to the chicken tractor today. It is 4" wide by 8" long so should give them more room to get away as well as distracting them with a new environment. Hopefully that will be enough.
also it allows my older hens a chance to see the new chicks without touching for awhile.
I moved them all to the chicken tractor today. It is 4" wide by 8" long so should give them more room to get away as well as distracting them with a new environment. Hopefully that will be enough.
also it allows my older hens a chance to see the new chicks without touching for awhile.
I assume you meant 4' x 8'. That is a better size for chicks that age. Have you noticed any further feather picking?
your right I meant 4' x 8'. Haven't seen anything further.
Great! It sounds like you have the answer to why this started in the first place.
Keep them on a complete diet with protein levels around 18% and you shouldn't have further issues as long as they have LOTS of space.

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