Canning young chicken - mush?

Fire Ant Farm

Get off my lawn
May 5, 2015
South Texas
I have a question for anyone who has experience canning chicken. I have just culled twelve 12 week old cockerels - they are chilling now. Would it be a mistake to can them (would they be too tender) - would they end up mushy? Or do you think it would work out ok? I was planning to do raw pack, bone-in legs and bone-in thighs in quart jars, and other meat boneless in a separate batch in pints. I've read the canning chicken threads on BYC, but was hoping someone might have experience with canning young birds. Any input would be welcome. :D

- Ant Farm
I have a question for anyone who has experience canning chicken. I have just culled twelve 12 week old cockerels - they are chilling now. Would it be a mistake to can them (would they be too tender) - would they end up mushy? Or do you think it would work out ok? I was planning to do raw pack, bone-in legs and bone-in thighs in quart jars, and other meat boneless in a separate batch in pints. I've read the canning chicken threads on BYC, but was hoping someone might have experience with canning young birds. Any input would be welcome. :D

- Ant Farm
I probably can different than some, I simmer the chicken until It will come off the bone, debone and Can/process---never a Problem with toughness. I do not can or freeze anything(bones) I can not eat with the meat we slaughter---if its doable----meaning all bones are removed unless bones are part of the cut----like ribs, whole ham, etc.

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