Can't be tamed?


5 Years
Feb 9, 2017
I have a new hen that has been added to my flock. She is "wild" and very afraid of me and any interaction with me. Alittle history, she came from a neighbors house that is vacant. She's been alone but has recently been coming over to be with my rooster. I found her one morning in my trap and release cage. She had eaten the bait I had and so i thought it would be my chance to keep her and give her a home. I'd never been able to catch her before. She is very sassy and mean. I feed her and give treats. I also treated a few wounds she had. Will she ever calm down ? I don't want to let her go and her be back alone .
Many chickens don't particularly care for human interactions. The best chance is to handle birds when young. An older bird that wasn't handled won't want that at all. She should eventually get used to you and not be so flighty but she will probably never want to be touched by you.
You should quarantine her you don’t want your flock to get anything. if you want her to trust you hold her for at least 10 mins a day in a calm area just you and her with no distractions with some treats. I haven’t ever adopted a full grown hen or roo I’ve got all of mine before they were laying or crowing (I have a roo) although I have gotten a rooster who would attack anyone else to let me hold him.
Hope this helps,
It's actually too late for quarantine, but while you were treating her injuries, did you look hard and treat for any mites or lice?
She's not likely to become a 'pet', but should settle into your flock over time. If she is actually a nasty individual, she's not a keeper, IMO.
I wouldn't expect her to be a lap chicken, but she should calm down enough to be fairly relaxed around you. I'd make it a point to spend time in the run with them, but not trying to engage her. Maybe bring a chair and a book and sit in there reading in the evenings. Just something quiet that doesn't involve her. Then every now and then throw a little scratch or some other treat and continue minding your own business. It takes time to build trust and the "Try and make her love you" approach is just going to scare her more.
It's actually too late for quarantine, but while you were treating her injuries, did you look hard and treat for any mites or lice?
She's not likely to become a 'pet', but should settle into your flock over time. If she is actually a nasty individual, she's not a keeper, IMO.
Yes I agree it's to late for quarantine. She's been coming to my house with my roo and he's been going to her before I caught her. None of my birds are sick however and I treated her for mites and lice just in case. My birds are already treated as well as dewormed so I added her to my list for treatment. I just have her in a pen with the roo because if she's let go she will go back to the other house.

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