I have searched the posts, read books, but still can't find out the answer to this question. I'm new to the whole cicken world, expecting my chicks to come the first week of August. So here's the question - I know a hen lays an egg with or without a rooster. If there is a rooster in the pen with the hens, how do you know if the hens eggs have been fertilized? Can you eat these eggs? Do they only turn into chicks if you leave the hen to brood over them, but if you take them out every day and put them in the fridge they are edible? Also, if a hen lays 1 egg per day, does she stop laying when she's brooding? How does she end up with - let's say 5 eggs to brood on, and then they all hatch onor about the same day? I'm so confused....
Thanks for any and all help!